Services Provided

I. Psychotherapy for Adults, Young Adults, Adolescents, Families, and Groups

-- I do not offer telephonic therapy sessions. However, at my discretion, I may offer time limited telephonic or other electronic support to current clients who are experiencing a "psychological emergency" and are not able to schedule a face to face session in my office.

Treatment Specializations

Young Adults & Adults
(ages 18 and older) --

(Substance Abuse/Dependence, Self-Harm Behaviors, Self-Image, Esteem, Identity Problems, Motivational Issues, Difficulties in "Lauching", Relational Concerns, and Life Transitions)

Anxiety Issues

Acute and Chronic Stress Management

Sports Performance Blocks -- Assessment, Resolution, and Recovery


Manic Depression

Addiction and Co-Dependency:
(Assessment, Treatment Recommendations, Relapse Management, and Post-Treatment "Recovery Deepening")

Parent Coaching and Support

Conflict Resolution

Grief Counseling

Education, Work, and Career Issues

Life Transition and Enhancement

Group Therapy:

In addition to the above specializations, I facilitate a psychotherapy group for Young Adults (18 to 25).

The Therapy Support Group (TSG)
is an insight oriented, "depth" psychotherapy group, and is appropriate for Young Adults who:

1) Are 18 to 28 years of age;

Possess the necessary maturity and willingness to engage in an ongoing, weekly psychotherapy group which, at times, may bring up significant feelings, memories, and issues;

3) Are willing to commit to an investigation and exploration of their relationship with substance use and it's association with their past and current relationships, work endeavors, academic achievement, goals, and personal growth; and,

4) While they may not always agree with their fellow Group members all participants must be respectful, courteous, and supportive of their peers in the TSG and agree to abide by all of the TSG Group rules.

The TSG is aimed at facilitating a deeper, emotional exploration of the issues, patterns, and concerns which often underlie substance use, addiction, and patterns of relapse. Additionally, the group process assists group members in their efforts to aquire and practice various relapse prevention tools and strategies. Often times, an empathetic observation or "confrontation" of one member to another results in understanding and growth that might not have been achieved in individual therapy alone.

For additional information regarding the TSG Group click HERE.

II. Professional Consultation

III. Clinical Presentations, Speaking Engagements, Lectures

IV. Program Development